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Touch the Cat’s Numbers
SuiNekoKan. Ltd. has released an iPhone app “Touch the Cat’s Numbers”.
【Touch the Cat’s Numbers】Press Release
Aim for speed or kittens?
SuiNekoKan has released an iPhone app called “Touch the Cat’s Numbers”.
This is our 14th iPhone application and it’s designed to show you the cuteness of cats.
■iTunes download URL
■Application website
■YouTube video
■Related URL
■Appealing points! Must enjoy them!
Follow the numbers or compete for speed!
Want a warm feeling? Then chase the kittens!
To take the number away from kittens or to watch their cuteness…
That is the question.
There is more to life than achieving the goals.
But watch the kittens with love otherwise you can’t enjoy their confusing behaviors completely.
■About the product
“Touch the Cat’s Numbers” will help you liberate your mind from the busy life and heal you.
It also works as a brain training such as widening peripheral vision or quickening the reflexes.
Moreover you have to face making an agonizing choice.
Aim for speed or follow the cute kittens.
Either way, you will be able to refresh yourself by playing with those cute kittens.
You can also have great cat chat by posting to Twitter.
■Developer’s efforts
“Fast” action and “cute” action usually contradict.
Especially when it comes to kittens.
We found out what is necessary to enjoy this contradiction with a simple concept.
We pursued to contain kittens’ cute behaviors, meow and colors for “Touch the Cat’s Numbers”.
The more you play, the more you must forget about the result of the game and find yourself relaxed.
■The story behind the development and future plans
It all started like this.
A programmer who teaches iPhone application development asked us to add a cat image to his simple speed game in which the user has to touch the number as fast as he can.
We thought only adding a cat image on it wouldn’t be interesting enough.
Cats have to be cute.
And they need to have realistic movements.
How can we make them move cute and attractive?
Usually users compete for speed in this kind of game.
However, when SuiNekoKan releases an app, we want the users to love our adorable cats.
We came across a word that our friend in New York and her husband invented: Tabbymometer.
Tabbymometer is a concept that measures “how much you love cats”, and we came up with a perfect essence of the game that your affection for cats contradicts speed.
Thanks to this concept, we finally could create a game in which you can enjoy the cuteness, no matter how you play. We are so grateful to our friends who gave us the idea.
Of course, we also express our gratitude to our programmer who was patient enough to accept our repeated requests of modification!
We are happy that we finally deliver this ultimately cute game to you.
Special thanks to everyone.
Since our staff also enjoyed working on this project, we’re already planning new projects such as cats wandering from the game screen or reacting to the human voice.
We get started developing another cat application that you can play along with music and sounds.
Anyone who loves cats, stay tuned!
■Application for iPhone/iPod touch
Summary of “Touch the Cat’s Numbers”
Title: Touch the Cat’s Numbers
Info by: SuiNekoKan.ltd (The word “Neko” used in our company name stands for “Cats” in Japanese. Our mission is to tell the world about the cuteness of cats and pleasure sharing life with them).
Release date: October xx 2011
Requirements: iPhone or iPod touch
Supported languages: Japanese/ English/ French/ German/ Italian/ Spanish/ Chinese/ Korean/ Finnish/ Danish
How to get the app: App Store > Games > Family
[Lite version] $0
Copyright: (c)2003-2011 SuiNekoKan
■Application website
Touch the Cat’s Numbers リリース
iPhone用アプリ【Touch the Cat’s Numbers】りリリース開始します
この【Touch the Cat’s Numbers】は何かと忙しいあなたの心を癒してくれます。
■iPhone/iPod touch専用アプリケーション
『Touch the Cat’s Numbers』概要
タイトル: 『Touch the Cat’s Numbers』
情報提供: SuiNekoKan.ltd
発売日: 2011年10月xx日
対応機種: iPhone、iPod Touch
入手方法: App Store > Games > Family
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